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Re-evaluating Strategic Priorities
Re-evaluating Strategic Priorities
- Business Strategy Development
- Customer Strategy
Strategic Marine produces high quality ships for commercial and governmental organisations across the globe. Beyond shipbuilding, the company offers Service and Maintenance, Fabrication and Engineering, Marine Logistics services and Financial Services and Solutions for its products.
With rising costs, Strategic Marine wanted to relook at their business model and strategic plans. They needed advice to grow their revenue and attract new customers.
Business Strategy Development
We helped to relook at Strategic Marine’s internal capabilities and developed a strategic plan that was divided into phases (1. Stabilise & Rebuild, 2. Strengthen & Grow, 3. Reach True Potential). Some of the goals and outcomes include: improve the organisation’s reputation, enlarge product offerings, obtain relevant certifications and establish collaboration with strategic partners. On top of that, we crafted a roadmap as well as day-to-day action plan with targets and KPIs to achieve the desired strategic objectives.
Customer Strategy
Through a Customer Journey Map, we helped to get a sense of their customers’ needs and pain points. With that, we created a brand promise to provide an overarching framework for Strategic Marine’s Customer Experience Initiative (CEI). This facilitates the planning of customer service strategy and allows Strategic Marine to intervene at ideal times that maximise their brand values to customers.
Customer satisfaction (CSAT) level (measured via customer satisfaction survey) is projected to increase by up to 10%.